Tady na téhle stránce máš něco málo o tom napsaný.
Year/Make/Model: indicates the year, make, and model that the crash test applies to even though a different vehivle may have been the actual vehicle used for the crash test. (Example: A 1990 Geo Prizm and a 1990 Toyota Corolla are twins and therefore share the same crash test results.) If you do not see the vehicle you are looking for, it may not have been tested or only its twin is listed.
Doors: 2Dr = 2 Door; 4Dr = 4 Door; CV = Convertible; HB = Hatchback; MPV = Multiple Purpose Vehicle; PU = Pick-Up Truck; Sd = Sedan; SUV = Sports Utility Vehicle; Van = Van; Wa = Station Wagon; Xcb = Xtended Cab.
Weight: is the weight in lbs. of the vehicle tested.
Driver and Passenger columns rate the crash tests by"stars" as follows:
Frontal Impacts only (Differs from Side Impacts)
5 stars (*****) = 10% or less chance of serious injury.
4 stars (****) = 11% to 20% chance of serious injury.
3 stars (***) = 21% to 35% chance of serious injury.
2 stars (**) = 36% to 45% chance of serious injury.
1 star (*) = 46% or greater chance of serious injury.
N/A (N/A) = incomplete or missing data.
Side Impacts only (Differs from Side Impacts)
5 stars (*****) = 5% or less chance of serious injury.
4 stars (****) = 6% to 10% chance of serious injury.
3 stars (***) = 11% to 20% chance of serious injury.
2 stars (**) = 21% to 25% chance of serious injury.
1 star (*) = 26% or greater chance of serious injury.
N/A (N/A) = incomplete or missing data.
A serious injury is considered to be one requiring immediate hospitalization and may be life threatening. These stat ratings become meaningless if you do not use the restraint systems in your vehicle including the seat belts. See note at bottom of page which provides links to the original test data and briefly describes vehicle test procedures and the importance of vehicle weight.
The Results below are listed in the following left to right order: (F=Frontal impact; S=Side impact)
(All impacts are measured in the front seats except passenger side impacts which are measured in the rear seat.)
Year--- |Make and Model |Doors| Weight | Driver (F) Pass | Driver (S) Pass |
1980--- Nissan 200SX--------- 2HB-- 3038 (** ) (*** )
1984--- Nissan 200SX--------- 2HB-- 2880 (* ) (*****)
1987--- Nissan 200SX--------- 4Dr-- 3218 (** ) (**** )
1997--- Nissan 200SX--------- 2Dr-- 2746 (*****) (**** )
1979--- Nissan 210----------- 2Dr-- 2425 (* ) (* )
1989--- Nissan 240SX--------- 2HB-- 2680 (*****) (**** )
1995-97 Nissan 240SX--------- 2Dr-- 2765 (*** ) (**** )
1984--- Nissan 300ZX--------- 2Dr-- 3370 (**** ) (*** )
1991--- Nissan 300ZX--------- 2HB-- 3324 (*** ) ( N/A )